Jiggered | Ceilidh Band Hire | Glasgow and Edinburgh Weddings and Events

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Playing for Killie Portland FC

I guess the litmus test for a successful band is to ask former clients “would you book this lot again?”. Obviously after last year’s fundraiser at Hurlford Bowling Club, the guys from Kilmarnock Portland FC were in no doubt: they wanted more of Jiggered Ceilidh Band and so booked us up again.This was a home gig for me and inveitably there were a few familiar faces hanging about…a colleague from work, parents of the pupils I’ve taught (including David the organiser, and his wife the birthday girl who loved having us sing happy birthday, Mark and Andrew’s mum who insisted I embarrass Andrew on Monday morning, Jordan and Danny’s mum whose knickers quote will haunt Ewan and I for years to come, Adam and Sara’s mum whose expressive dance moves with David entertained the masses,the Moles- cheery as ever) and a sprinkling of former pupils (great catching up with Nicola, Mark and Ainsley!).

Same as last year, we were treated to fish and chips at the break. But in a stunning turn of events, Ewan’s special raffling talent seems to have left him.

We’ve been asked this week about playing at Westminster Cathedral Halls, London…possible road trip coming up! Watch this space.